

To mark the progress made in joining hands with the various ADR institutions/ arbitration commissions in the GBA region to collaboratively develop and integrate legal services, it is our pleasure to inform you that the GBA Online Collaborative Platform will be launched later this month and ready to serve the community at home and abroad.

Join us to witness our important milestone together!

Click to register.

Date: 11 July 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Venue: Eaton Club, Level 5, Champion Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong

香港中环花园道三号冠君大厦五楼Eaton Club

Language: Mandarin 语言 - 普通话

Tentative Rundown

1:45 – 2:00pm           



2:00 – 2:05pm             

Opening remarks

Dr Thomas So JP, Chairman of eBRAM


一邦國際網上仲調中心主席蘇紹聰博士, JP

2:05 – 2:15pm             

Welcoming address

The Hon Horace Cheung Kwok-kwan, SBS, JP,

Deputy Secretary for Justice, the HKSAR



2:15 – 2:40pm             

GBA Online Collaborative Platform

introduction and launching ceremony



MoU Signing Ceremony


 - Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration


 - Hengqin International Commercial Mediation Centre


Launching Ceremony (Ribbon Cutting) 平台启动仪式( 剪彩)

2:40 – 2:45pm             

Group Photo Taking & GBA Online Collaborative Platform Demo


2:45 – 3:00pm             

Coffee break


3:00 – 4:20pm             

Sharing sessions with representatives of the GBA dispute resolution institutions

分享会: 各大湾区争议解决机构介绍如何处理区内引发的争议及其所提供的服务

 - eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre


 - Centro de Arbitragem da Associação dos Advogados de Macau


 - World Trade Center Macau Arbitration Center


 - Guangzhou Arbitration Commission


 - Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration


 - Zhaoqing Arbitration Commission


 - Zhuhai Court of International Arbitration


 -Dongguan Arbitration Commission


 - Hengqin International Commercial Mediation Centre


 - Huizhou Arbitration Commission


4:20 – 4:25pm             

Closing remarks


4:25 – 5:00pm             




About eBRAM

eBRAM is an arbitration and mediation institution combined with Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and LawTech facilities. Our objective in providing this integrated service is to leverage new technologies to make dispute resolution more accessible to disputants. Our ODR facilities are designed to reduce the overhead in the management of cases and the friction caused by traditional administrative procedures. We hope that this frees disputants to put more of their focus on resolving their actual disputes, rather than spending energy disputing over the technical aspects of how to run their case.

eBRAM is one of seven qualified institutions under the Arrangement Concerning Mutual Assistance in Court-ordered Interim Measures in Aid of Arbitral Proceedings by the Courts of the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. eBRAM is also one of five listed ODR Providers worldwide under the APEC Collaborative Framework for ODR of Cross-Border B2B Disputes.

In 2023, eBRAM expanded beyond providing ODR services through launching the Deal-making Portal (DMP), an online tool that facilitates cross-border transactions by using technology to help enterprises to identify and collaborate with potential business partners.

eBRAM provides a one-stop service for enterprises from the start of their cross-border transactions to contract completion, and to dispute resolution if and when disputes arise.


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