eBRAM officially launches Online Arbitration and Online Mediation platforms to provide a Speedy and Cost-saving way to Resolve Disputes

28 October 2022

(Hong Kong, 28 October 2022) eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre (“eBRAM”) is pleased to announce the official launch of the eBRAM Online Arbitration platform and eBRAM Online Mediation platform on 24 October 2022, aiming to offer an affordable, reliable and secure platform for parties to resolve disputes amicably by mediation or by arbitration.

Mr Horace Cheung, SBS, JP, Deputy Secretary for Justice, said, “The launch of the eBRAM Online Arbitration and Mediation platforms brings a paradigm shift in the traditional dispute resolution practice and marks an important milestone for Hong Kong’s ODR development. The ODR platforms operated by eBRAM would not only enhance Hong Kong’s LawTech development capacity, but also further strengthen its position as an international hub for legal, deal-making and dispute resolution services.”

eBRAM’s Online Arbitration platform and Online Mediation platform provide end-to-end digital experience to parties by integrating the latest technologies, including blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), into the platforms. Other self-developed features and the expedited rules helped to streamline the dispute resolution process, significantly reducing time and costs.

Dr Thomas So, Chairman of eBRAM, said, “eBRAM has a clear vision to contribute to the consolidation of Hong Kong’s role as one of the world’s leading LawTech hubs as well as uphold the rule of law. With this in mind, we will continue to foster the development of the global ODR profession and support cross-border trade development in Greater Bay Area and beyond through various initiatives.”

As a LawTech centre and ODR provider, eBRAM will continue its efforts in developing LawTech services to support cross-border business trade and enhance work efficiency for the legal and dispute resolution communities. eBRAM plans to introduce an online deal-making platform towards the end of the year, to ensure that it is the leading one-stop-shop online platform for deal-making, dispute avoidance and dispute resolution.

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About eBRAM
eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre Limited (“eBRAM”) tasks itself to elevate Hong Kong’s arbitration and mediation services and build capacity to meet the rapidly expanding demand for online dispute resolution and deal-making services across the borders by utilising innovative technologies to enable the city to become a LawTech centre and hub for international business dispute avoidance and resolution and collaborate with global organisations and participating economies such as the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Belt-and-Road countries and beyond.

eBRAM has developed its platform leveraging the latest technologies, including artificial intelligence, blockchain and cloud. Cybersecurity and data privacy are our top priorities, and eBRAM makes every effort to ensure the security of information proceeded and stored on its platform.

eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre (eBRAM)
Room 403, 4/F, West Wing, Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong
Website: https://ebram.org/
Email: info@eBRAM.org
Contact: +852 3792 0707

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