eBRAM is one of the supporting organisations for HKCICA Construction Mediation and Arbitration Webinar
22 January 2021
eBRAM is proud to be one of the supporting organisations of the HKCICA Construction Mediation and Arbitration Webinar on 26 January 2021 to promote the mediation and arbitration service in Hong Kong.
Co-organized by Hong Kong Centre of International Commercial Arbitration (“HKCICA”), Hong Kong International Mediation Centre (“HKIMC”), International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute (“IDRRMI”) and Academy of International Dispute Resolution and Professional Negotiation (AIDRN), supported by Hong Kong Mediation Centre (“HKMC”), International Professional Dispute Resolution Advocates Association (“IPDRAA”), Construction Mediation and Arbitration Webinar aims to foster discussion on construction dispute resolutions, in particular by arbitration and mediation. Renowned experts and scholars across the globe, including professionals from HKCICA, Deacons, Hogan Lovells, HKIE and Hsin Chong Construction Group Limited, have been invited to share their insights and experience on the construction disputes resolution. The discussion session in the Webinar will also engage professionals from different sectors, including corporate, employment, dispute resolution, legal, architecture, as well as entrepreneurs.
Details of the webinar:
Topic : The Current Developments and Trends in Construction Dispute Resolution
Time : 3 pm to 5 pm (Hong Kong time, UTC+8 hour)
Date : 26 January 2021 (Tuesday)
Type : Zoom Webinar
Zoom link :
OR Meeting ID:856 0831 5763 Password:765006
All industry professionals are welcome to the webinar.
Please come and join us!
For further information and registration, please contact HKCICA at +852 3622 2284 or admin@hkcica.com.hk.
eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre (eBRAM)
Room 403, 4/F, West Wing, Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong
Website: https://ebram.org/
Email: info@eBRAM.org
Contact: +852 3792 0707